Thursday, May 02, 2013

Lemony Brussels Sprouts

About a month ago, I bought one of those freezer steamer bags of Brussels sprouts. They were in a butter sauce and I was excited to try them. However, they were mushy and I couldn't get past the texture, even though I liked the taste. Well, last weekend I was at a friends house when she cooked me dinner and on the menu was roasted Brussels sprouts. They were fantastic, so I decided to try to make them myself. YUM! They are not mushy or slimy...just scrumptious!

Lemony Brussels Sprouts

1 lb. Brussels sprouts
2 Tbsp EVOO
3-4 garlic cloves, minced
Juice of 1/2 lemon + zest
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Heat up EVOO over medium heat. Wash the Brussels sprouts, then remove the stem and outer leaves. Cut in half and toss into saute pan.

Saute for about 4 minutes, then add in the minced garlic. Saute for about 8 minutes, or until tender.

Add lemon juice, zest and S&P. Taste and adjust to your liking.

I also heard that adding Parmesan or Asiago cheese on your individual serving is yummy, but it was scrumptious the way we had them!

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