Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Crafty McCrafterson

For someone that was going to be more consistent about keeping up her blog, I am pretty much failing. Unless the goal was to write a blog post every three months. Then I am doing amazingly awesome.

We are all moved in to our new house and loving it. There is room for all of our stuff, no more turning bedrooms into storage rooms or shoving things under beds to get them out of view. And we have a basement! While we're not using it very much right now since it is winter and quite nippy down there, I know we will love it when the temperatures warm up again. I feel so much cozier and happy in this house - not to say that I don't miss our previous one. I do miss it. It was our first home together and there were things I loved about it. The wood burning fireplace...oh, I miss that. We have a gas fireplace here. While that means that yes, I can operate it on my own and whenever I want, it just isn't the same as a wood-burning fire. But seriously...I love this house. It isn't just a house - it is home.

Lately, I've been trying to force myself to do more crafty projects since I have the time to so. I used to be very creative as a child, and now...pfft. Well, I'm just not. I don't know if that's what years of schooling does to you or if it's just something that happens to most of us as we age. Maybe it's the science background in me...very orderly, organized and precise. Not very good for "thinking outside of the box". But! I'm forcing myself to at least do some projects.

Project #1: T-shirt Bag

Honestly, the reason I picked this was because it seemed like the lazy girls project. No sewing. No crazy amount of materials. Nothing except a t-shirt and scissors. Bingo! Basically, you cut off the sleeves and neckline, then cut strips at the bottom of the shirt. You tie the strips together and voila!

I took some of the leftover material from the sleeves and cut them into strips, then tied "handles" with them so they weren't quite so wide. Next time, I will cut off more of the neckline so the handles are a little smaller. But seriously, if I could do this, you could do this. And if you're anything like me, your t-shirt drawer will thank you (and maybe actually close for once).

My next project is to make coasters. I got the ceramic tiles from Lowe's and then the rest of my supplies from Hobby Lobby. I'm going to use some of our favorite beer 6-packs for the design. This is going to be a little bit more outside of my comfort zone as I have to use...Mod Podge! I plan to work on these later this week.

Until next time! (Which ya know, could be in May...)

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