Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sweet Potato Burger with Fried Egg

Just got done re-reading one of my last posts...about how I was going to blog more consistently. Also about the demands of being a middle school teacher. So, looking at the dates, you can see the demands obviously haven't gotten any easier! I have been cooking healthy meals and been doing yoga consistently though so there's my positive!

Speaking of yoga, it started out with me going back through a book I had received at Christmas a few years back. It's called "Yoga Cures" by Tara Stiles. I loved taking yoga classes about 3 years ago but the yoga instructor moved away. Remember, I live in a smaller town so when she moved, that was it. No more yoga class. I decided on a snow day this January to do some yoga positions out of the book. My first sun salutation in years felt amazing! One of the moves is a plank and you move into a push-up essentially. I struggled so hard but decided to make it my challenge for myself! I decided to start timing my plank to see how long I could hold. First time was less than 10 seconds. Shameful, I know. But each day I could do more and more. The last time I timed, which was earlier this week, I was up to 1:10. Still pretty weak but for someone who is not very in-shape, that means something! 

Honestly, I wish I could have more cardio that I enjoy but I'm not a big cardio fan. I love Zumba and other dance-like cardio exercises but I don't have a lot of those options here. So, I'm making due! Once the weather warms up, I'll be able to get outdoors again, which I love!

On to the recipe...

A few weeks back...maybe even a whole month or longer...I found a recipe I had pinned on Pinterest for sweet potato "burgers" with avocado and the fixins on top. I pulled my usual switch-it-up and produced a yummy dinner for us!
Everything tastes fabulous with a fried egg on it!
Sweet Potato Burger with Fried Egg
Makes 6 large patties

2 cans cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
1 large sweet potato, baked/peeled/mashed
2 Tbsp. tahini
2 tsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. lemon pepper seasoning (I used Mrs. Dash)
1/4 cup wheat flour
Other spices... I used ground ginger and cardamom

plentiful breadcrumbs
EVOO for pan

1. Mix the first seven ingredients (through the "other spices") together in a large mixing bowl. It will be very moist but you should be able to form patties. If not, throw in some bread crumbs.

2. Heat EVOO over medium-high heat in a large pan.

3. Form patties from the mixture, then coat in the bread crumbs. Drop patty into the pan. Do this until pan is full. Cook until browned on both sides. Transfer patties to a paper towel and allow to cool. Serve!

We enjoyed ours on a Ciabatta bun, with Dijon mustard, arugula and a fried egg on top! FABULOUS!

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